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Éducation et formation à l’esprit d’entreprendre, pour quelles perspectives ?

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Idioma: Inglés


Éducation et formation à l’esprit d’entreprendre, pour quelles perspectives ?

This article provides an overview of current research on education and training for entrepreneurship, a field still seldom investigated by the sciences of education and training. Its ambition is to shed light on the scientific configuration in which the works already carried out and under development fit, in particular those on lifelong learning, which are still scarce. It endeavours to delimit the edges of practices in this field by linking them to their political and social context. In addition, the note puts this research into perspective with other fields and disciplines. It identifies unexplored or under-explored issues and future research in this field. This review of scientific literature is focused on French production while drawing on insights from other countries and regions of the world.



Dans Savoirs 2021/3 (N° 57)

Año: 2021

Aportado por: José Carlos Sánchez García

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