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Manager gender, entrepreneurial orientation and SMEs export and import propensities: evidence for Spanish businesses

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Tipo: artículo
Idioma: Inglés


Entrepreneurial Intention of Chinese Students Studying at Universities in the Community of Madrid

This paper investigates the role of manager gender in SMEs’ decisions to get
involved in exporting and importing activities, using a sample of 1,405 Spanish
SMEs. We borrow insights from international entrepreneurship theories and feminist theories to set testable hypotheses regarding how managerial gender and entrepreneurial orientation (proactiveness, risk-taking and innovativeness) may infuence
SMEs export and import propensities. Using a bivariate probit model and controlling for other managerial and business characteristics, results reveal that there are
not signifcant disparities in exporting propensities between men- and women-run
businesses. However, female-led SMEs show a lower importing propensity, in comparison to male-led counterparts. In addition, the three entrepreneurial orientation
dimensions (proactiveness, risk-taking and innovativeness) are important drivers
for participating in overseas markets, and do not depend upon the manager gender.
This work provides new empirical evidence on the comparison between men- and
women-run SMEs as regards export/import behavior and thus, it contributes to improve our knowledge on the role of gender in SMEs internationalization. The role
of manager’s gender in SMEs import propensity has not been investigated so far,
and this is the main novelty of our research.

Keywords: Manager gender · Entrepreneurial orientation · Small and medium enterprises · Exporting and importing


Alfonso Expósito

Amparo Sanchis-Llopis

Juan A. Sanchis-Llopis


Eurasian Business Review (EBES)

ISSN https://doi.org/10.1007/s40821-022-00210-7

Año: 2022

Aportado por: José Carlos Sánchez García

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