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European Research on Management and Business Economics

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Idioma: Inglés


European Research on Management and Business Economics


This paper seeks evidence of which variables, directly or indirectly, have influence on the entrepreneurial intention of university students in order to adequately plan activities to reinforce such intention for Spanish universities. Specifically, we introduce the variable of environmental awareness to test whether it induces a greater entrepreneurial intention.

Study design/methodology/approach

The target population of the study has been students at the University of Oviedo who were enrolled in an undergraduate degree or a master’s degree during the 2018–2019 academic year. A questionnaire has been sent obtaining the following data: 1,337 valid questionnaires, 2.58% sampling error rate for 95% confidence level, p = = q = = 0,5. To contrast the proposed hypotheses we have used the methodology of structural equations (SEM model).


Starting from the Ajzen´s Theory (TPB) we demonstrate that both the attitude towards the entrepreneurial behaviour (PA) and the perceived behavioural control (PBC) exert a significant influence on the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of university students. This is not the case of the third construct of the TPB, namely the social norms (SNs). We have verified that PA partially mediates the relationship between the PBC and the EI and PA totally mediates the relationship between the PBC and the EI. We have corroborated that a high degree of environmental awareness of university student’s exerts influence in their PA. Finally, it has been corroborated that the SNs which are most proactive towards entrepreneurship mediate the relationship between the student’s EnvA and the PA.




Jesús delBrío-González


Volume 28, Issue 2, May–August 2022, 100184

Año: 2022


Aportado por: José Carlos Sánchez García

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