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Adapting the Effectuation Model for Nascent Entrepreneurs: The Function of Acceleration Programs

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Tipo: artículo
Idioma: Inglés

Título: Adapting the Effectuation Model for Nascent Entrepreneurs: The Function of Acceleration Programs

The dynamic model of effectuation by Sarasvathy (2008) was a theory developed for expert entrepreneurs. So, what type of model would apply to nascent entrepreneurs? This paper is a case
study of a nascent entrepreneur who established a business that uses crickets as a bio-resource. This nascent entrepreneur was interested in starting a business; however, he was unable to take
immediate action and did not know what to do. Nevertheless, he was able to conduct an effectuation process by participating in a series of business plan contests and other acceleration
programs. In this case, the acceleration programs provided three functions of (1) supporting goal setting from given means, (2) promoting interaction by requiring the use of social networks, and (3) making it easier to get commitment by providing credibility.




Advance Publication

Annals of Business Administrative Science

Año: 2021

Aportado por: José Carlos Sánchez García

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